Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 13 - A vision from the Goddess

This may be difficult to explain but it was interesting that is kept me up most of the night.

I awoke from a dream and saw the Doshas ( Vata, Pitta, Kapha)  as 3 interlocking circles of light in primary colors. Vata/Air was blue, Pitta/Fire was Yellow, and Kapha/Earth was Red 

This may be to much color theory but where two circles came together, they produced the secondary colors; Orange, Green and Purple. The center where all 3 circles came together was shining bright white.

Could this really be true, does it make any sense. I started to look back at the 5 Elements and their corresponding Chakra and color.

Vishuddha Ether Blue
Anahata Air Green
Manipura Fire Yellow
Svadhisthana Water Orange
Muladhara Earth Red

It is off to a good start, let examine it further. We know what element comprise the Doshas.

 Vata ( Ether +Air ) so Blue-Green
Pitta ( Fire +Water) so Yellow-Orange
Kapha( Earth +Water) Red-Orange

This is interesting. I think deserves some further study. Could wearing Yellow tinted glasses help with an unbalance in your Pitta? Color Therapy for unbalanced Doshas? Interesting thought. I think it is worth exploring. 

Too much studying is Rajasic, but that is another topic altogether.
Now I can go back to sleep. 

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