Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 12 - Flow with the Goddess

Morning Sun Salutations with MC Yogi, chakra beatbox
If you don't have it download it now.

Something I started playing with and it helps remember your chakras and when you connect with the sound it makes the experience deeper. Have some fun.

Sun Salutation A - Surya Namaskara A, with Chakra sound, mantra
1. Mountain Pose - Tadasana
2. Raised Arms Pose - Urdhva Hastasana (LAM)
3. Standing Forward Bend - Uttanasana (VAM)
4. Half Forward Bend - Flat Back - Ardha Uttanasana
5. Plank Pose or Jump to Next Step
6. Four Limb Staff Pose - Chaturagna Dandasana(RAM)
7. Upward Dog - Urdhva Muka Svanasana (YAM)
8. Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana (HAM)
9. Half Forward Bend - Flat Back - Ardha Uttanasana
10. Standing Forward Bend - Uttanasana (OM)
11. Raised Arms Pose - Urdhva Hastasana (silence)
12. Repeat

chakra sound location salutation in action
sahasrara silence crown reflection,connection
anja OM 3rd eye clarity, focus, attention
visuddha HAM throat lengthen neck, side body
anahata YAM heart heart forward, shoulders back
manipura RAM solar plexus  strengthen the core
svadhisthana VAM sacral plexus  forward bending, deep pelvic tilt
muladhara LAM root grounding to the earth

Practicing the sun salutation with the sound mantra of the chakras one can draw deeper awareness to the mind-body connection. Although sun salutations have been traditionally practiced in the morning with a mantra
"," I have not seen a direct connection to seven bija or "seed syllable" sounds of the chakras in sun salutation series A.

Put MC Yogis, Chakra Beat Box on repeat and do these series 108 times.    

From tadasana, inhale arms overhead with the sound of LAM
the sound of the root chakra, ground down into the earth
exhale, forward fold uttanasana, with the sound of VAM
the sound of our sacral chakra, deepen the pelvic tilt
inhale plank, exhale chaturanga with the sound of RAM
the sound of the third chakra, manipuraka, strengthen the core
inhale up dog, with the sound of YAM
as we open the heart and chest forward, the sound of the anahata
exhale, back to down dog the sound of HAM
opens the throat chakra, visuddha
inhale, exhale hop to uttanasana to the sound of OM
drawing clarity, focus and attention to the third eye
inhale in silence, tadasana
a time to reflect and connect

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